Thursday, November 14, 2013

Great time.

I had a great time today. The kids I was teaching were funny. There's this one 10-year-old girl in my class who's simply an angel. She's short and chubby, with a strong talent in languages, and doesn't have any friends. She reminds me of myself when I was a child. She is living in her own perfectly happy world and doesn't care that much about what others think. When we sing in class, she sings with joy and never feels embarrassed about anything. This girl Elena is going to be someone special one day.

So I walked her home from our school today because I want to get to know her world and find my real self again. Also, I think she's become more interested in the subject after I started to teaching her. She even wants to be a teacher too!

Then after work I went to the pool bar at the W Hotel again. Tonight I had an interesting conversation with a 48-yeard-old Israeli man and a 33-year-old American woman. I smiled at Dan because he seemed smart and without a ring. He came to talk to me and told me that he liked the book I was reading. Soon he told me he had two kids and a wife in Richard's City. He was in the City of Rain only for work. I was completely honest and upfront with him. I asked, "do you cheat on your wife?" He replied, "Oh yeah, of course. Marriage is bullshit." Then we started to debate after I told him the whole marriage thing I wanted. He obviously liked me a lot and wanted to get in bed with me, but that's really not my thing. He thought I was smart and easy to read like an open book. I think I've succeeded in changing myself in the presence of men. I am finally easy to read to a man. I want to put myself out there, unprotected, completely open, out there, for the right man to see.

And this 33-year-old woman from SoCal was being hit on by Dan after Dan knew he would have no shot with me. Erica just got out of a 6-year relationship and is very career-driven. But when I look at her and listen to her words, I see myself a few years back--always smart, funny, and emotionally invulnerable. Honestly, I think Erica was considering the possibility of having a ONS with Dan given the fact that both of them are leaving tomorrow morning and will never see each other again. But after hearing my story and how I view relationships, Erica backed off and Dan hated me for ruining his chance of getting laid. I spoke nothing but the truth after three beers--deep down all women want to be in love with a man monogamously and they all want marriage and family.


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