Wednesday, September 23, 2015

This time it is really different.

Again, I want to write this down before I meet up with him because you know, only three possible scenarios can happen after we meet up on Sunday.

So this guy--I'm going to call him Angel-- broke the ice on OKC about a week ago. He took the time to go through every detail of my profile and questionnaire.

"Thank you for liking my profile :) Anyone who mentions Austen, central banking, and 19th century German philosophy in hers is someone I'd like to get to know better. I also really appreciate your candor about communication and what you're looking for, since I feel the same way on boh counts. 

So, to get the conversation rolling, I'm interested in how you define faith since you mention being an atheist libertarian in one of your questions. As for me I consider myself a Buddhist atheist; that is I live by Buddhist philosophical principles but don't worship any sort of deity. At the same time like you I think people are innately good.

Probably not your typical first OkCupid message, but yours isn't the typical profile and it's so much better for that ;)  

Look forward to hearing from you,

"Hi Angel, thanks for such a thoughtful message. I meant to reply to you earlier but I knew it would take me a while to answer all the questions. My philosophy in life is quite Buddhistic--like people and things are all connected and our feelings can attract things and people that reflect our inner state. On and on and on. I do believe in a natural force in the world and the universe that itself is very good at deciding for all living things. But I wouldn't call this force Buddha or Jesus Christ or some other religious figure. It's just still unknown to mankind but I can't deny its existence and its power.

So that being said, I kind of live my life by simply going with my intuition and wherever my feelings take me. That's why I believe in free market because I believe people should just let things be, let people be themselves, whether it's good or evil. That's just the way it is. No laws or regulation will ever stop bad things from happening. The only way to stop those things is to give more love to every child. But I don't wanna go extreme here.

Anyway, what brought you here and where are you from originally?

BTW do you play words with friends?


"Hi Kendra,

Thank you for your nice note and detailed explanation. What you say about a greater force makes a lot of sense to me.  

I was born in the City of Power and grew up there and in the City of Money. I see you have pictures from both in your photos.

I actually moved here from Jupiter where I was teaching English literature at an international school, which is also what I do here. What do you do?

I haven't played Words with Friends in a while, but wouldn't mind getting back to it :)

Have a nice evening,

We have been chatting and talking and playing words with friends every day since then. He initiated contact every day whether it's text messages or phone call. The only problem is that we have different work hours--he works 9 to 5 but I work 6p to 10p. By the time I finish work he's already asleep. We could only manage to talk for 20 minutes after he finishes work before I go to work. But last weekend, we talked on the phone for hours before we fell asleep. I was suffering from menstrual cramps and stayed on the line with me until ibuprofen kicked in and I felt better. No one has ever done that do me since Ivan, but even that one time Ivan only stayed with me for about 20 minutes  until I fell asleep.

So here's what's really special about Angel: he truly wants to make me happy. He reads from my profile that I want someone who can talk to me on a daily basis so he does that even though we haven't met. He read through and remembers details from my questionnaire to find out what I like and he's planning our date around that. The most shocking part--and this is when power of serendipity actually feels creepy--is that we are so similar on so many things. Our philosophies are similar; we left finance/corporate jobs and became teachers. The longest relationship he had was with a virgin and most of his relationships ended within three months--and he's usually the one getting dumped, which is exactly my case and love history. We're 95% match on OKC and both of us have answered about 100 questions.

The most important thing is that I feel secure with this guy. I don't really have to worry about another woman entering the picture because I can feel he knows I'm special and is serious about me. I didn't have to hide the fact that technically I'm still a virgin because I could feel safe letting him know that and I knew he wouldn't be afraid of me being clinged onto him, because he wants to stay.

This really feels completely different from my other relationships before. Mars exhausted me. I felt so much overwhelming gloominess every time when he pulled away emotionally; I could feel it even without him saying or doing anything. I don't ever want to be in that kind of exhausting, difficult, and toxic relationship again. With Angel, I don't feel any worries at all and I can simply relax. I can also picture us counting down to the New Years in Sydney.


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