Thursday, September 1, 2011


A couple of days ago I just found out that Ivan's new girlfriend are already friends with two of my friends on Facebook. I'm wondering if I should delete those two friends or just deactivate Facebook. When I was dating him he gave me all that crap about how I could not be his girlfriend unless I was also friends with his friends; after our breakup none of his friends was on my side. How does it even make sense that these people were my friends at all?

Now as I'm trying to get back to the dating scene, I feel even more frustrated. Being single is so much easier. Things from the past have scarred me too much and somehow guys are just no longer attracted to me anymore. Maybe I do appear jaded now, even if I don't mention it. I should try online dating?

I'm missing Ken now. We had fun together, but then he backed out. I don't understand why men do that. They initiate things and then back out, like I don't care, but I do care, and I act like I don't care after finding out they stop caring. I miss the time we shopped furniture together; I also miss the time he drove me to work. I miss the time he made me laugh and the time I made him laugh. This weekend I plan to grab a coffee alone at the college town where Ken did his undergrad; I want to spend one lazy afternoon seeing what he used to see ten years ago and hanging out where he used to be.

Should I also get over Ken and move on to other men? I keep my options open but no one has shown interest yet.

My company is offering an opportunity to go to a place that's only several hours away from Ivan's hometown and they're paying for everything. It'd be interesting to see the place where Ivan and Richard come from.


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