Thursday, May 15, 2014

Happy Ending

Penny and Leonard are engaged. How I Met Your Mother reached a grand finale. It feels quite scary that the two most important shows in my life are getting their happy endings but I'm nowhere near it.

Recently I also saw the Wolf of Wall Street, the Great Gatsby, the Sixth Sense, and City Lights. Somehow I identify with Gatsby's "extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness" deeply. But look how the story ends? He died for nothing. Daisy couldn't go back to him. Is this what people really get when they have an extraordinary gift for hope?

The Wolf is a great movie but I am more interested in knowing Belfort's childhood. He must have been born emotionally troubled and grown up in a pretty fucked up home.

City Lights is incredible. It makes me miss the Manhattan skyline again. But most importantly, the Tramp found true love.


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